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What is amateur radio? (×òî òàêîå ðàäèîëþáèòåëüñòâî? Ðóññêàÿ âåðñèÿ...)

All population of globe can be divided into two groups conditionally: having "hobbies" and not having "hobbies". This word which has come rather for a long time in Russian (from English hobby), is translated as «favourite employment, hobby». "Hobby" are the diversified. It - every possible kinds of a collecting; fishing; sports; tourism; studying of foreign languages; amateur designing and much, many other things. Usually each hobby happens more or less narrow, therefore, for example, the passionate fisher collecting post cards and besides still were fond studying of foreign languages - the phenomenon unique (if at all feasible)....

And nevertheless there is such hobby which allows to combine together various directions "hobby", giving or all of them identical attention, or being engaged mainly any one kind. This hobby - not only a way of interesting carrying out of leisure. It allows to get valuable practical skills and knowledg in area electronic and radio engineerings, and also geography and foreign languages. A name of this hobby - amateur radio.

Amateur radio are engaged hundred thousand people in the world. To the youngest representatives of army amateur radio fans less than ten years, the oldest - it is more eighty. Than involve amateur radio numerous army so not people similar with each other? That as it was already spoken, amateur radio it is diverse, and everyone finds in it something most for itself attractive.

You like to make, design? Amateur radio fans, as a rule, design the transmitters, antennas, sometimes and receivers, creating sometimes the designs which are not conceding to the best industrial samples.

You since the childhood were attracted with romanticism of distant travel, you were fond of geography and have become engrossed in reading Jule Vern? Amateur radio fan can "visit" within an hour on all continents - Africa and America, Asia and Antarctica (if there is a passage).

You the passionate collector, collect marks, badges, cards? Amateur radio fans by tradition each lead connection confirm with special cards - receipts which send each other by mail. These cards are usually made colourfully out, contain photos, landscapes, amusing figures. The collection of such cards is not an ordinary collection of usual post cards! To this it is possible to add still collections of the badges devoted to various events in the field of amateur radio and the diplomas which are given out amateur radio fans for various achievements. Very much many amateur radio fans in passing are fond of a collecting. You like sports struggle, competition? There are many various competitions amateur radio fans - from local up to international. That to measure skill with sportsmen of other countries, amateur radio fan it is not necessary to leave the city at all.

Passion of the hunter, the fisher is familiar to you? Then "hunting" on air will give to you especial pleasure! It is aggravated with that, being sent «on hunting» (that is, including radio station), never beforehand you know, who appears "extraction" - and suddenly any rare station from Pacific ocean forgotten in open spaces of island! Besides here you are insured from disappointment of the hunter, compelled to come back home without extraction. The amateur ether never happens is empty!

You are involved with studying foreign languages? It is the easiest to study language, on a regular basis talking on him. Only amateur radio fans have an opportunity, not leaving at all from a house to practise any foreign language, talking with the interlocutor knowing this language in perfection.

And unless it is not interesting to learn, what now weather in New York, Conakry, Melbourne? Or what aerial is applied by the correspondent in Brazil, with quantity the countries of the world it has already established connection?

Amateur radio fan is the expert having knowledge in area electronic and radio engineerings, radio communications; the qualified radio operator, capable to conduct a radio communication even in such conditions in which professional radio operators refuse to work, and in case of need capable quickly to find and remove malfunction in the radio station. Certainly, all this can be useful not only for ham radio and not only in a peace time.

And romanticism of distant travel! For the some people amateur radio fans it became a reality. Many of them plough the seas by the ships of long voyage, wander with geological expeditions, rise for clouds on air liners. Having started with hobby for an amateur radio communication, they then became professional radio operators. Also it is possible to tell with confidence, that radioamateur experience renders the essential help in their work.

Cases when the establishment of an amateur radio communication rendered the essential practical help are frequent. So, the distress signal sent by expedition Nobile, before all has been accepted by the radio fan. And during acts of nature, for example, earthquakes in the Yugoslavian city Skoplje and flooding at coast of Florida, caused unprecedented force hurricane amateur radio fans the first have restored the radio stations, and the amateur radio communication appeared the first kind of connection with injured areas. At last, operative amateur connection not time helped to render urgent medical aid. About one of such cases has told a film «If guys of all world...». In a word, amateur amateur radio not only it is fascinating, but also it is practically useful.

Basis of work of the radio fan, essence amateur radio, is the establishment of a bilateral radio communication on various amateur bands.

Very long time ago, at the beginning of occurrence of a radio communication, among experts there was an opinion, that a little confident distant connection on short waves is impossible. Therefore short waves have been as superfluous given for experimental work to radio fans. Enthusiasm at then radio fans (as, however, and at present) was though take away, and they have started experiments, beginning radio fans - amateur radio fan. And here appeared, that on HF it is possible, using the elementary self-made receivers and transmitters with insignificant capacities to establish connections with any point of globe. So radio fans have brought in the first contribution to the theory and practice of a radio communication, having found out ability of short waves to be distributed to the big distances. Consequence of this opening was that the avalanche powerful coherent, and radio stations has rushed on HF and has filled in them almost entirely. To fans also have removed some sites in a range of short waves on which they carry out with each other connections.


Last Date Modified: 18 October 2010
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